A form of math used by a Loser in which adding up all losing votes in a election ,multiplied by propaganda ,fraud and other conspiracy theories equal claiming victory in the election that was lost .
Donald J Trumplication claims his votes where stolen and he won the 2020 Presidential election due to fraud and conspiracy theories equaling his claim to victory
Verb: To make something unnecessarily difficult by using unnecessary words and/or actions. /trumplicated/trumplicating
Turns out, I trumplicate relationships by building emotional walls made of comparisons to previous relationships as new affection grows.
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Trumplicate: When you find yourself agreeing with Donald Trump and it is irritating because while you don't like him he keeps getting some things right.
Well I got Trumplicated again this morning when I saw where he killed the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement.
Making the numbers come out any way you want.
“ Another tremendous number. We’re going to have a lot of Trumplication over the next two days with certified accountants. But an accurate number will be given, but it’s in the 50s of thousands — and that’s people that went to vote and they were told they can’t vote because they’ve already been voted for. And it’s a very sad thing. They walked out complaining. But the number’s large. We’ll have it for you.”