tac·ti·cal camp•ing
/ˈtaktək(ə)l/ /'kampING/
adjective noun
Tactical Camping is
1.) In fps multiplayer - the act of remaining in one spot (usually alone) with a (Sniper Rifle), (Shotgun), or any other weapon in a area waiting for enemy players to get easy points specifically CoD
Generally looked upon as a "cheap" method of gaining kills or scorestreaks.
2.) Also in Multiplayer - playing at a slower pace moving from place to place not be confused with camper or camping.
Especially if you're still learning the games modes, maps, and/or angles.
"Mark engaged in a last ditch effort to stop being constantly killed by noobs and pros alike while also not trying to being a total camper" He began what he likes to call "Tactical Camping"
tac·ti·cal camp•ing
/ˈtaktək(ə)l/ /'kampING/
adjective noun
Tactical Camping is
1.) In fps multiplayer - the act of remaining in one spot (usually alone) with a (Sniper Rifle), (Shotgun), or any other weapon in a area waiting for enemy players to get easy points specifically CoD
Generally looked upon as a "cheap" method of gaining kills or scorestreaks.
2.) Also in Multiplayer - playing at a slower pace moving from place to place not be confused with camper or camping.
Especially if you're still learning the games modes, maps, and/or angles.
"Mark engaged in a last ditch effort to stop being constantly killed by noobs and pros alike;
while not trying to be a total camper"
So he began his "Tactical Camping" campaign to not go negative