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How young children view a school system whether da teachers "religiously" forbid them from either counting on their fingers or making "one, two, three, four, cross-slash" marks on paper to more-easily figure simple math-problems, in an attempt to train said students to work out sums in their heads.

One easy way to get around da Tallyban (i.e., count up/down one numeral at a time without tipping off your teacher dat you aren't merely working out da problem in your head) is to motionlessly (don't go making any rhythmic "ticking off da numbers" motions with any part of your body, as this will let slip dat you're --- horrors! --- **counting** when you're sposta be working out da math-equations just in your head!) hold your arithmetic paper flat against your desktop with both hands and with your fingers spread apart for easier counting, and then also-motionlessly (and silently) swivel your eyes from one finger to da next in order to count up/down as needed to figure out da answer to da equation.

by QuacksO July 19, 2024