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A heterosexual girl who thoroughly likes and enjoys activities typically associated with boys and men e.g. tanks and WWII however, she does not totally shy away from femininity. the female counterpart to the male metrosexual.

She's definitely a tankgirl. She likes tanks, blowing things up, setting things on fire, a WWII buff, and she'll happily kick your ass while she's in a cute frilly dress.

Tankgirls are proud to be female, though interests and activities may lean more towards the masculine, these girls are sexually interested in men and dream of going to Texas, renting a tank and ecstatically blowing up sh*t for the whole day. These type of girls are called "tankgirls."

If you're a girl who loves men and the masculine and activities associated with them yet, are also proud of being female and your femininity, and bonus points if you have pictures of yourself on a f@#$ing tank, then you are definitely a tankgirl.

Tankgirl is an extreme step up from the popular and well-known,"tomboy" label. The tankgirl is the incarnate of the goddess of chaos who seriously wants to own a f@#$ing tank so she can blow sh!t up! Her desire is to go to a shooting range or military range and have an afternoon with her and her man doing some mindless destruction. Afterwards, a nice classy dinner...That is her ideal romantic evening.

Tankgirls admire men, enjoy masculine activities, and are sexually interested in men. Especially metrosexual men. Really these types of girls are just sexually interested in men in general. They also can embrace their own femininity. The tankgirl can also be referred to as the "anti-tomboy."

by Discord!444 April 21, 2021