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The Most Amazingly Beautiful person you will ever know. Caring personality, great looks, talented in every-way possible.

Dude! You see that girl?
Yea man, Shes definitely a Taytum

by They Call Me....Kernal March 20, 2011

228👍 43👎


One of the most annoying type of girls but super fun and talented. A girl who is just a little too prideful in the things she’s good at but it’s okay cause she can back it up. She’s crazy, obsessive, and insanely weird but you can’t help but love her.

“Who is that chick dancing like that?”
Oh that’s taytum.

by Unknown1313 January 19, 2019

23👍 10👎


Quirky ass bitch who thinks she’s the shit by vaping and sounding like a 80 year old woman she thinks she’s the shit because of her ghetto ass mentality

Bro look it’s Taytum


by brochickensalsa😭 May 29, 2022

4👍 7👎

Touchy Taytum

A person that is kind in nature and tends to be overly touchy feely. This in turn can make one feel welcomed or annoyed.

Here, comes touchy taytum, Cryistal . I swear if she gives me one more hug today, im screaming. She dosen't mean anything by it. Shes just overly friendly.

by Touchy Taytum June 27, 2014

7👍 7👎