Te Orahi is a unique, different, Gay person, thy deffinition of Te Orahi comes from the shield people may call as Bitchy, rude or mean but in defence Te Orahi sees it as something that protects him from the world, he is nice in a way people find it weird, he loves fashion and art and strives to be model or designer within the next coming years, he is intellegent but known to be misunderstood, he is an Aquarius, a intp personality trait, and he comes off socially, he was independent at a young age and dosent need people around him as much as other people do, he is a psychopath with psychopathic thinking and behaivor, but can feel things at a different level, he is a good friend to those who are in his inner circle, he dosent make good for a boyfriend as seen above, he is skinny and lanky but has a sense of style to which no ordinary person would think of, he strives to be himself and will do anything to overcome impossibilities and the stereotypes he is known for.
"Te Orahi is a bitch, but a good friend when he wants to be, hes rude but nice, REALLY HONEST!!"