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multiple meanings. 1) one who carries large bags of packaged tea for shipment. 2) a man that squats on top of a womens face and lowers his genitals into her mouth during sex, known as "teabagging" 3) one who has a job or talent that is low in social status 4) a person who is unaware that they have said or done something foolish, childlike, noobish, lame, or inconvenient. 5) also see "fagbag", "lamer", "noob"

Matt baseball, I can't believe he skipped our lan party to go to practice. Yeah, that kid is such a teabagger.

by h4x0r3r July 24, 2003

7641๐Ÿ‘ 2133๐Ÿ‘Ž


multiple meanings. 1) one who carries large bags of packaged tea for shipment. 2) a man that squats on top of a womens face and lowers his genitals into her mouth during sex, known as "teabagging" 3) one who has a job or talent that is low in social status 4) a person who is unaware that they have said or done something foolish, childlike, noobish, lame, or inconvenient. 5) also see "fagbag", "lamer", "noob"

also!: during a 1w:2m sex event, where one male performs vaginal sex, while the other performs cunnilingus... the fellow on the bottom is the "Teabagger"

"Matt baseball, I can't believe he skipped our lan party to go to practice. Yeah, that kid is such a teabagger."

"I don't mind being a teabagger, if the other guy doesn't have shave stubble."

by London Pub Gaff February 26, 2005

1203๐Ÿ‘ 786๐Ÿ‘Ž


A whining fool shouting loudly for liberty but not willing to pay the bill.

After most American workers saw more money in their paycheck due to the lower tax rate, the teabaggers at Fox News railed against high taxes, but did not discuss how much Jesus hated hypocrisy.

by AmadwolfMozart April 16, 2009

8204๐Ÿ‘ 6207๐Ÿ‘Ž


A misinformed, right-wing corporate media consumer who often fails to understand that BOTH major parties represent a corrupt plutocracy that steals from the middle class by taxing labor and profiting from corporate tax subsidies.

A teabagger also often fails to acknowledge that George W. Bush and his neo-conservative minions perpetrated one of the boldest and most egregious executive power grabs in the history of the United States. Furthermore, teabaggers mistakenly continue to blame a newly elected President Obama for all that ails the United States of America, based on a grossly flawed perception of reality (including latent racial prejudice) and despite the fact the U.S. economy collapsed on the previous administration's watch.

Teabaggers are also known to base their misguided, right-wing-media-inspired beliefs about President Obama on stupid conspiracy theories about totalitarian takeovers, FEMA camps, etc., despite the fact these very same theories have been circulating around on the Internet for years, and were originally ascribed to neo-conservative cabalists at a time when Barack Obama had not even entered national politics. Teabaggers also are known to be particularly paranoid, xenophobic and intolerant, especially with regard to immigrants and anyone who isn't white.

Additionally, teabaggers generally echo stupid myths about entitlement spending (it actually only accounts for about 1% of federal budget spending), have no idea that most poor people in America are not lazy, actually do work and don't want to be on welfare, and have no idea what socialism actually means or that socialist reform in this country is actually what allowed a middle class to flourish and ultimately make the U.S. one of the most prosperous nations in human history.

Furthermore, teabaggers incorrectly equate socialism with Stalinism, think a system that rewards greed (capitalism) is the divine preference (despite Gospel evidence to the contrary), and are shameless champions of a misguided belief in American exceptionalism. Teabaggers also fail to recognize the inherently unpatriotic nature of their failed every-man-for-himself ideology that ultimately vilifies anyone who supports public policy aimed at reaching out to fellow Americans in need. They celebrate an exploitative corporatocracy (holy creator of jobs, blah blah blah) while denigrating the little guy for being "weak."

Interestingly, teabaggers uphold an immoral, morbidly obese, twice divorced, draft-dodging, college dropout and known drug addict as their de facto leader, and are even known to advocate burning books. Of course, teabaggers fail to recognize the blatant hypocrisy within the GOP and tend to oversimplify all political debate and social issues, much like their pseudo-intellectual, fat-ass leader.

Finally, incredibly, teabaggers fail to recognize the hysterical double entendre associated with their proudly adopted teabag moniker.

Every village has its idiots, of course, but it's sad when citizens of any nation allow themselves to be whipped into a frenzy en masse by a state-run propaganda machine masquerading as a legitimate, fair, balanced and independent news organization. Teabaggers are right to believe the future of the U.S.A. is in jeopardy, but sadly they have not yet correctly identified the real enemy. Perhaps when teabaggers finally grow up and mature into thinking adults, they will see the right-leaning power establishment for the oppressive and cunning beast that it is.

Teabagger: We don't care that George Bush tripled the deficit and lied us into a war. The new administration only cut taxes for 90% of the population... fascists. Let's go throw some Lipton tea bags into a fountain!

by deepshot April 20, 2009

4694๐Ÿ‘ 3622๐Ÿ‘Ž


A simple minded person who doesn't want government in their life but is pissed when the road isn't fixed or needs the national guard to get out of a flooded home.

the teabagger doesn't realize we all have to live together and there are constitutionally elected people who use their tax dollars to run this country.

by neomee June 28, 2011

646๐Ÿ‘ 499๐Ÿ‘Ž


A conservative republican who protests against income taxes by rubbing their nutsacks in each other's faces.

Senator David Vitter is a teabagger who wants to cut government programs during a recession.

by notmyrealname99 April 10, 2009

5821๐Ÿ‘ 5067๐Ÿ‘Ž


A living humanoid baring a skull that is vacant of a brain and a mouth that is only silenced while suckling on an oversized scrotum hence the name "tea-bagger".

Teabagger: Did you hear Obama is planing on contaminating our waters with a chemical that will encourage us to lose weight and prevent us from fornicating with our close relatives.

Random Person: One can only hope.


Person with Oversized Scrotum: Hold on. I'll Shut him up. Here... open your mouth and say ahhh.

Teabagger: Bout' time you showed up. Come to poppa.

by uzi killer September 18, 2011

651๐Ÿ‘ 540๐Ÿ‘Ž