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A combination of Teabagger and Jihadist, a Teahadist is a domestic terrorist masquerading as a "patriot" in the US. The Teabagger feels that the only way to uphold truth, justice and the Constitution is to violently attack and threaten those who happen to disagree with said Teabagger's views. Phrases such as "defend the Constitution", and "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" are often heard from Teahadists, although how much they actually understand what those mean is in debate.

It's only a matter of time before one of those Teahadists drives a truck bomb into a federal building, just like Timothy McVeigh.

by IHKumicho March 25, 2010

2300👍 1951👎


Agitated racist who masks their racism with opposition to progressive governmental policy and believes that political disturbances and threats/delivery of domestic terrorism is an appropriate approach to achieving political change.

Did you hear of the teahadists who shattered the windows of Congressional offices belonging to Congress members who supported RomneyCare-Plus?

by 21st Century Soothsayer April 3, 2010

5111👍 7125👎


Since the passage of health care reform some members of Tea Party groups have taken to attacks, vandalism, incendiary slurs, threats of violence, brandishing of weapons and calls for revolution and death to elected officials and members of the public that support the bill.

Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and other teabaggers have started using gun and killing metaphors and claim that the potential victims are bringing the attacks on themselves.

This branch of the teabagger groups are known as teahadists.

The teahadists are really going off the deep end, there was one on FOX News saying Nancy Pelosi may get assassinated then he threatened a 'thousand little Waco's' because he was upset that sick children now have health insurance.

by Knot O'Really March 27, 2010

2000👍 1713👎