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tech gals

i fukin agree u all need fix up! u r all so false and 2faced man get a life!!

by Anonymous July 23, 2003

1👍 6👎

tech gals

u lot chat shit! u cant judge a majoraty just coz a small minoraty of gurlz in tech r like that. if ur gona chat about us, name names and reasons y, dont just say it!

by Anonymous August 29, 2003

1👍 7👎

tech gals

yer i agree with u, they r soooooo annoyin!

by sum1 from harris July 23, 2003

1👍 9👎

Tech gals

Question: where did all this beef come from?
can't all of you chill we got two years left. Can't we all just get along, and for F**k sake if you have an issuse address it dont bitch

by Dominique Tech gal and proud October 2, 2003