A magical land comprised of interconnecting tubes clogged with pr0nz. It has become a common misnomer to associate teh internets with big trucks. This is false.
I found a video of my mom sucking poop out of a dead cow's ass on teh internets. It gave me a chubby.
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Contarary to popular believe, it's not like a big truck you can just dump stuff on. It's more like a series of tubes.
The internet used to be for sharing usefull and interesting information. now it's a tool for hackers to steal your PC and a tool for 4chan and MySpace to spread it's horrors.
If you try your best, you can win some internets by doing the following:
* become an hero.
* make fun of furries.
* buy a lot of internets from An ISP.
* post funnies
(btw, The Internet is serious business)
Jhonny: I got teh internets today!
Peter: I hope that the devil is happy with your SOUL!
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A word often used scornfully to point out a newbies lack of knowledge of the internet and distinctive language.
"OMG, liek, is this your first time on TEH INTERNETS!!!!oneoneoneeleven!!!"
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The caption of a few images used when an individual says something that seems as if they were new to the world wide web.
kid: (in big red font) L00k whut i kan d0!
average human: *HA! HA! I'm using teh internet! image*
496👍 120👎