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tell tale

a sign, an indication of something, a clue, an appearance befitting a specific situation or event.

how did she know you were hot for her?
err, that clue was a serious tell tale, I guess

by yuviken May 5, 2010

37πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Dead Men Tell No Tales

A saying that has existed for a long time, but wasn't extremely popular until it became famous through the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland, in which a pirate-ish skull and crossed bones on the wall utters this very phrase, among other things. Basically, what it means is that to keep something quiet, kill anyone who knows about it and, since that person is dead, it would be pretty much impossible for them to tell your secret. A similar saying is "Three can keep a secret if two are dead," invented by Benjamin Franklin.

So, you don't want anyone to find out that you're secretly a Hilary Duff fan? Just kill everyone who already knows--after all, dead men tell no tales.

by lollylollylollyPOP!!! June 27, 2007

318πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž

Horn ball tells a tale of a link of the past

BAssically oyu find out what it means cause idk you gook

Horn ball tells a tale of a link of the past

by TheGOATofEVERYTHING! February 8, 2023

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Dead Man Tells No Tales

When a person is too high to communicate.

"Are you okay man?"
*looks over
"Dead man tells no tales."

by Frankster420 October 7, 2019

Tell-Tale Fart

When you are holding a fart in, quite suspensefully until eventually you release it, hoping no one realizes that it has come from you.

Narrator: β€œVillians! dissemble no more! I admit the deed! here, here! β€” it is the smell of my tell-tale fart!”

by Anonymous 4734902 November 9, 2021