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Tenure brag

When someone highlights how long they have been doing something (years playing a sport, years working in a company, years living in a neighborhood, years sober, overall age, etc). This is type of brag or showing off, highlighting the speaker's status based on the amount of time they've been around

There goes Thomas tenure bragging again about how he's been sober longer than anyone else at the party!

by Human Peacocking May 13, 2023

Tenure brag

When someone brags about how long they've been doing something - It is generally an age/time related brag ("I've been doing this since you were in diapers!") but can also be the number of times they've done it ("this is my 15th time at burning man!"), etc.

We made it about 15 minutes into the neighborhood meeting before Tom started tenure bragging about how he's lived on that street the longest!

by Human Peacocking May 15, 2023