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The 99 Names of Trump

The Aberration
The Amateur
The Assclown
The Belligerent
The Big Number
The Blemish
The Blight
The Blunder
The Buffoon
The Calamity
The Cluster Fuck
The Con Artist
The Conceited
The Cruel Joke
The Curse
The Darkest Chapter

The Debaser
The Deceitful
The Deceiver
The Deception
The Defiler
The Degrader
The Delusional

The Disgrace
The Dishonourable
The Disingenuous
The Disreputable
The Dolt
The Dunce
The Duplicitous
The Egregious
The Embarrassment
The Erratic
The Error
The Exaggerator
The Failure
The Falsifier
The Fraudulent
The Fruitless
The Hoax
The Immoral
The Impersonator
The Impostor
The Impotent
The Inadequate
The Inarticulate
The Incoherent
The Ineffective
The Inept
The Infirmed
The Injector

The Insecure
The Irrational

The Lamentable
The Laughingstock
The Liar
The Little Emperor
The Ludicrous
The Machiavellian

The Maladroit
The Meltdown
The Misguided
The Mistake
The Narcissist
The Nefarious
The Obscene
The Obtuse
The Orange One
The Outburst
The Pantomime
The Paroxysm
The Pathetic

The Perfidious
The Piteous
The Pitiful
The Plague
The Pretender
The Republican’s Revenge On Planet Earth
The Scourge
The Sham
The Shameful
The Shitlord
The Smudge
The Stain
The Swindle
The Tantrum
The Tragicomedy
The Train Wreck
The Treacherous
The Unbalanced
The Unhinged
The Unjust
The Unpredictable
The Unstable
The Vainglorious
The Vexatious
The Violation
The Volatile
The Whited Sepulchre

Around the world Donald Trump is believed to have 99 Names, known as The 99 Names Of TRUMP. They are also called The 99 Attributes Of Trump. Ivan IV Vasilyevich (1530-1584) of Russia had only one additional name- The Terrible. Donald Trump of the USA has 99.

by RCV211V May 2, 2020

58👍 5👎