Source Code

The Act

A real smutty girl, one who is down for the team. If you and your boys are at the lunch table and you see a girl walk by and all of you can say that at one point each of you have fucked her, she's probably the act.

also known as The Action

E: Yo my boy I just fucked that one bad jawn from math class.

J: Shit, that aint nothin I done hit that like 5 times already, shit a lotta dudes have to be honest, she's the act!

E: Oh shit, say no more that's crazy!

J: I'm bout to hit her up right now

by Laneezy-Boy November 5, 2010

27πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


ACT is an acronym standing for Action Counters Terror. It is believed that it originated either with the military or the emergency services, where personnel are trained to overcome fear and inertia by taking action until this becomes an automatic response. ACT demonstrates that people are capable of really remarkable deeds and that obstacles and difficulties can be beaten when they are confronted. ACT shows that fears and self-doubt can be reduced or eliminated and that forward-looking action can overcome habit and inertia to produce something new and start the process of change.

Don’t procrastinate, ACT!

by AKACroatalin February 20, 2016

246πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Short for Actavis, a brand name prescription cough syrup containing codeine and promethazine; See lean

Future's favorite drink is Act.

by ThisIsMeFewl September 5, 2017

79πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


An acronym standing for Action Conquers Terror. It is unclear whether this was originally a military acronym, where personnel are trained to overcome fear by action until this becomes automatic. It does, however, highlight that people are capable of far more than they realise, and that fears can be beaten when they are confronted. Action show fears and self-doubt as merely a question of attitude; forward-looking action overcomes habit and inertia to produce something new and is the simplest way to start the process of change.

Don't just sit there worrying about it, do something! ACT!

by Croatalin December 10, 2013

67πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Lean or Sizzurp

Im high off this act it got me feeling lazy

by threadof December 23, 2017

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


inability to do something successfully; ineptitude

While talking to Jake, I had to stop because of his stupidity and his similar actions like Actful

by ThatKidArshi May 18, 2018

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Acting is the art, profession or occupation of performing in a stage play, movie, television or radio program. Acting is basically pretending to be someone other than yourself, known as a character or sometimes fictional character, and using your facial expressions, vocals, emotions and body language to bring the character to life, in front of a screen or audience. In acting you are suppose to act as if no one is around but you and the other actors (In a scene, there is no such thing as an audience, camera, producer, director, etc. None of them exist). When acknowledging the audience or the camera, this is known as "breaking the fourth wall", which is the imaginary wall that seperates the actors from the audience. This usually happens in comedy. For example, really the cameras and the front of the stage are, in a sense, "us" looking at the audience and if the actors acknowledge us and the that we're watching them, that's breaking out of character and acknowledging they're fictionality. Acting is a very interesting job and, just like everyone can't sing, everyone cannot act. Acting, just like singing, is destined for certain people. Thank God I can do both, lol

Acting is reacting and showing another side of yourself that maybe you didn't even know you had.

by Zeedavis October 24, 2018

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž