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The Banana Cure

An ancient Shemalian hangover cure where one eats two bananas for every serving of alcohol at the end of the evening of drinking. If performed correctly and no more than 8 bananas are needed to cancel out the drinks, one will wake up the next day feeling like a Shemalian Queen. If one eats more than 8 bananas one night, they will have a 69% chance of sleeping next to the toilet out of necessity instead of feeling like a queen.

It was frosty pumpkin season and Steph was enjoying an evening patio session with Johanna. After finishing up gossiping and creeping online, she realized that they had polished off two bottles of wine by themselves. Worried about the MIL visit the following morning, she remembered The Banana Cure. After figuring out that she drank 5 servings of wine, she proceeded to eat 10 bananas, forgetting that the rule clearly states to stop at 8. Fortunately, she avoided the 69% chance of sleeping next to the toilet and miraculously felt great the next morning just in time for the visit from her favorite MIL.

by MenoDrive September 13, 2024