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The Charles- Andre

The Charles- Andre (TCA) is not something that can b learned or taught. It's something you can only be born with and is definitely a rarity, a unicorn. TCA is classy, noble, sophisticated, gorgeous, highly intelligent, funny and fearless. There is nothing someone who omits TCA can't do. TCA embodies the valency of the most courageous knight. TCA always effortlessly concurs, prevails and comes out triumphant.

His wins are so glorious his skin glows, his smile never faulters and his eyes sparkle. The brilliant dad jokes also never cease to amaze. He will stop at nothing to put smiles on faces and to brighten the darkest day. There is one weakness to TCA. His weakness is so top secret he doesn't even recognize. The frailty of TCA is that he doesn't believe in himself. He doesn't see his amazingness or the fact he is something to be admired. TCA needs not be insecure, fearful or regret anything. Whoever exalts TCA needs to remember who tf he is and whose son he is. They need to remember that everyone makes mistakes but don't punish one self indefinitely.

The person who has TCA is a kind, generous and good man. Not to mention an excellent friend. TCA will give you the shirt off their back if you needed it. Even if it was his last.

To know a man that emits this quality is the one you with never want to let go, friend or more. He is a deeply loved man and to know him for a moment is a privilege. To know any part of this man can consider themselves lucky to have even known him.

Yes, your man is spectacular but is he as spectacular as a man whose best quality it The Charles- Andre?

by OG_Epimetheus December 12, 2020