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The Draco Trilogy

A fanfiction series written by popular author Cassandra Claire (whose latest novel City of Bones was recently released). The series consists of Draco Dormiens, Draco Sinister, and the final Draco Veritas. Pairings in the series include Harry/Hermione, Draco/Hermione, Draco/Ginny, and Draco/Blaise, among others (along with a hint of Harry/Draco). With all three series' word counts added, the entire Draco Trilogy is about a million words long, and is regarded as one of the best fanfiction series ever written.

Hermione: "You have a whole town named after you?"
Draco: "Yeah, amazing I haven't gotten a big head, isn't it?"
- The Draco Trilogy.

by ILoveDracoxoxo December 6, 2007

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