Source Code

The Elundis Core

Holy Fucking Shit, I think Yellowstone is erupting, oh shit I can already feel the vibration under my feet, everyone run! For your life! Save yourself! 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777.

The Elundis Core MonKaS

by AnonymousCoochie July 20, 2019

48👍 2👎

Elundis Core

The Elundis Core is a sphere of infinite mass, and likewise, infinite density. It measures a mere 6.2 meters in diameter, and is devoid of any color. Should TTS receive enough messages containing "L_?", it will activate. No one knows what will happen, should the Elundis Core activate. No one knows where it lies dormant. The last time it was activated was 14 billion years ago, which is as old as our universe.

Dude, don't say Elundis Core so much. We don't know how much more until it activates. VI VON ZULUL

by PASTOR VI VON June 12, 2019

321👍 4👎

Elundis Core

Elundis Core, known commonly as L_, is a powerful artifact with unimaginable power. Legends say it has something to do with Nukezus.

"By running Nukesys on Priest Titties, dumptruck Jr. finally acquired the Elundis Core - his journey was complete. He handled his."

by TheSecondCore July 9, 2020

9👍 16👎