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The Facebook Number Game

A stupid ass trend/game/fad that has recently popped up on Facebook. To play this "game", you post on your wall that you want your friends to message you with a number. After the number is recieved, the original poster posts the number, as well as his/her thoughts about the person.

This would not bother me so much if it didn't flood the hell out of my wall. I check my FB for a grand total of 10-15 minutes each day, and this is all I see.

To quote one of the posts:

" The Facebook Number Game - send me a # (0-500) to my inbox and ill tell you whats good. I'll post the number along with the answer on my page,
so only you know who it's about"

What a load of shit. Its already bad enough I have to filter through all the game updates, pointless status posts, and all the general crap Facebook has added in the last year.

by WackyJack December 9, 2010

34👍 16👎