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The Hat Rule

The absolute 100% accurate observation that anyone wearing a hat, any head covering by definition, while operating a motor vehicle is a horrible driver and is within moments of doing some stupid, dangerous, inconsiderate or a combination of.... Within moments.
A hat within this definition is literally any head covering, from caps to wigs to turbans, yalmulkas, tupees, hoodie, literally anything.
This rule was first observed by Nemat B who passed it to his daughter who passed it on to me as a teenager. C. 1987

That jerk just cut me off without signaling... Oh they are wearing a hat. The hat rule! Figures

by The Goochie April 22, 2022

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the cowboy hat rule

A rule made to keep people (ladies) from stealing your cowboy hat. If you wear a cowboy'hat, you have to ride the cowboy!

Well seeing as how you don't made off with my hat, your truck or mine in accordance with the cowboy hat rule.

Excuse me pretty lady, I assume since you're wearing my hat, you're ready to obey the cowboy hat rule!

by Elk_newbie June 27, 2017

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texas hat rule

The Texas hat rule states that if you take someoneโ€™s hat then you are either f*cking or fighting, and man donโ€™t hit women.

That girl just took my hat, i hope she knows the Texas hat rule

by Papi vaquero April 23, 2021

the squirrel hat rule

A modification of the cowboy hat rule, same rules apply, this time with a silly squirrel hat - if you don't have a cowboy hat.

Excuse me (FUN NAME), I believe your wearing my squirrel hat, that I have gotten from my hunting trip or other means, I hope you mean well, in that case, i would like to invoke the squirrel hat rule.

by xboxgamertaggenerator May 3, 2024

The Cowboy Hat Rule

The cowboy hat rule is simple, really; You steal the hat, you ride the cowboy!

"Well, pretty lady. Since you done made off with my hat, I don't suppose you're against following the cowboy hat rule." He said mischievously.

by CallMeLeigh March 11, 2024