• The ۰ Hump۰hries Effect
- Social Phenomenon
- Involved in the absorption of any knowledge that embodies artistic, political, and social information.
The known and unified example of creative and intellectual contamination subjectively appearing in any forum where information is distributed in the human social dynamic.
A reference to the living example of a unquestioned abomination of the artistic social realm
-- vis a vis: The Equation trying to balance itself out.
Chad: "Hey, want to check out that new 'Space Town' movie? I hear it's really good."
Tad: "Nah, that movie has some serious Humphries Effect; Eddie from work totally loved it and Eddie from work is a total douche"
Chad: "I understand, for I am all too aware of the potency of The Humphries Effect and the effect it has upon creative materials we all try to enjoy."