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the hurt locker

the oscar winning best picture of 2009/10, a fantastic juxtaposition of cinematic genious/drivel based on a true story by someone who will have no social/political relevance to anyone anywhere globally in about 5 minutes. An artistic picture about the horrors and beauty of *something/whatever*, I didn't actually bother since I have no interest in Iraq/war.

and the hurt locker wins over avatar best picture of the year and that's why I don't care for the oscars enough to watch them. And superbad wins best comedy. Oh Jesus! Do not care, busy; rolling a joint now.

by p@$$ing thr.ugh October 5, 2010

11πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

hurt locker

According to the writer-producer Mark Boal β€œhurt locker” is a military slang that means β€œa bad and painful place.” He said during an interview that β€œEOD soldiers use it as a form of poetic understatement: If an improvised explosive device, or IED, goes off while you're trying to disarm it, the β€˜hurt locker’ is likely to mean a white box draped in a flag and shipped home with full military honors.”

He won't go back home, but the hurt locker.

by Manobi March 25, 2010

195πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

hurt locker

noun. a period of immense, inescapable physical or emotional pain

This recession has been a real hurt locker.

She did not forsee her actions as contributing to the hurt locker she would soon be in.

"That last track meet- Man, what a hurt locker!"

by Justiferous August 30, 2009

525πŸ‘ 227πŸ‘Ž

Hurt Lockered

1. When a lawyers group, in an effort to gain attention and money from illegal downloads sends out mass lawsuit settlement letters to try and recoup cash for the production companies and to gain media notoriety.

2. A scare tactic where lawyers send out settlement letters to collect massive amounts of money from illegal downloaders. Generally starting at $15,000-20,000 and then accepting $1500-2500 for the settlement.

3. The nervous or sick feeling you get when you receive a settlement letter from lawyers notifying you that you were caught illegally downloading files and you own them tens of thousands of dollars.

4. A tactic lawyers came up with to recoup lost earnings made famous by the movie the Academy Award winning film, The Hurt Locker.

I got a letter from this law firm telling me they got my IP address from my provider and were suing me for $20,000 dollars!

I thought I was gonna die I was so freaked out.

I ended getting Hurt Lockered for $1500 in the end after settlement.

by richardslinger September 10, 2010

Hurt Locker

Old military saying for someone who really f**ked up real good.

O'brien missed morning muster, gunny gonna put his ass in the hurt locker when he show up.

by Da_Brotha_Grim February 28, 2010

141πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

hurt locker

noun. A figurative place where someone is said to be or will be, if they are getting or expect to be getting hurt or beaten.

With that team, you are entering a rather large hurt locker.

You are all headed for the hurt locker.

Just sit back and relax, you're in my hurt locker now.

by DG April 25, 2003

322πŸ‘ 250πŸ‘Ž

hurt locker

One of the frontrunners for Best Picture in Sunday's Academy Awards ceremony is Kathryn Bigelow's tense depiction of a U.S. bomb squad unit in Iraq, The Hurt Locker. The movie's official website says of the title, "In Iraq, it is soldier vernacular to speak of explosions as sending you to 'the hurt locker."
In fact, like so much American military slang, hurt locker (along with related hurt expressions) dates back to the Vietnam War.
By Ben Zimmer

"In Iraq, it is soldier vernacular to speak of explosions as sending you to 'the hurt locker."

by maestross March 8, 2010

75πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž