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The Kills

A lo-fi, jug & banjo-esqu, garage rock, blues band headed by Alison "VV" Mosshart and British Jamie "Hotel" Hince. The duo stared off hopping band to band until VV overheard Hince practicing his guitar in the hotel room above her's. The two became sole mates and maintained a long distance relationship with one another until edventually releasing some amazingly lo-fi songs under the simple name, "VV and Hotel."

In 2002 they released a single entitled "Black Rooster EP" under the name "The Kills" in Britian before it was picked up for the U.S. Shortly there after, they released their first album "Keep on Your Mean Side" in 2003, which maintained their anti-music industry attitude.

The Kills are quite shy for being musicians. They rarely give interviews, and VV's so nervous to preform in front of a large audience, she ussually chain-smokes and vomits regularly before shows.

In 2005 The Kills released their second album, "No Wow", which deviated from the course they had previously laid down for themselves to follow, and went into more of an artistic "post punk" yet still sounded just as, if not more, stripped down as Keep On Your Mean Side.

The Kills' most noteable songs are:

Fried My Little Brains Keep On Your Mean Side
Pull-A-U Keep On Your Mean Side
Black Rooster Keep On Your Mean Side
No Wow No Wow
The Good Ones No Wow
Murdermile No Wow

by Windowlicker May 23, 2006

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The Kills

The Kills are an awesome, indie, bluesy, groovy, stripped down sort of band consisting of the lovely and talented Alison Mosshart (known by her stage name "VV"), and the extremely cool Jamie Hince (known by his stage name "Hotel"). they both belonged to other independent bands, until Alison heard Jamie practicing in the hotel room above hers, and musical history was changed forever. they're surprisingly underrated and for the most part continue to remain mostly unknown. they're albums are some of the greatest music you can get your hands on, and you should get your hands on them. now. go do it now. stop reading and go it now. fine, read the examples, but then go do it now. download it from Amazon or iTunes. get them.

Keep on Your Mean Side
No Wow
Midnight Boom, all the best albums ever, get them.

smart, awesome guy: hey have you heard The Kills? they're awesome!

guy who needs to listen to better music: no, i'm gonna listen to Metro Station, SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE IT!

smart, awesome guy: man, you really need to listen to better music...

by HotelChevalier December 7, 2009

51๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


The stongest possible form of marijuana. Usually in the form of buds.

Tre-Fo' let me get some of that Kill-Kill!

by Dillon Shore May 1, 2008

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Kill or be Killed

Used as an answer for someone asking you why you did betray them while you two (or more people) where a Team in a game where playing in teams wasn't an option but you decided to be team anyways, the answer makes reference that, even being a team, at the end of the game, it was still Everyone vs Everyone, and you only used them just to achieve your goals easier via manipulation, trickery, and similar

Guy A: *gets killed by his partner while playing Skywars* DUDE, WHY DID YA KILL ME?
Guy B: because it's KILL OR BE KILLED buddy, and you FELL IN MY TRAP

by W.D Shadow Marco C. Krueger June 5, 2017

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Kill or be killed

Basically how the universes work

Anyone who believes life is not about kill or be killed should do a reality check

by Sir. B August 28, 2021

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Kill Kill

Better than dank, the cream of the crop of weed, more potent than one hitter quitter, unexplainable

I got some kill kill.
That shit is kill kill.
Can you get any kill kill?

by the_infinitesimal October 15, 2004

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kill or be killed

used in tha jectz it a slang term for "i aint goin out without a fight"

OG 1- "nigga u kno wat dat motto iz"
OG 2- "4sho kill or be killed"

by D-boi April 16, 2007

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