When you are managing a restaurant team in a new market and have an employee who knows they are wildly more qualified for your job but chose to not to accept the offer bc they make more money serving. Morgan will absolutely dive in and save the day 9.6/10. Until, however, she gets rocked off her mind on Sunday eve knowing damn well shes assigned to a party of 60 the next day and then calls out with 12 min notice
When the shift starts at 11am and it’s 10:34 am the morgan tax is defined by the following exchange
Texting the Morgan: Hey girl thanks for reprepping Garde, running those 9 tables who werent yours, absorbing Emily and Olivias sections last night when they started crying and also thank you for staying a little later to help the expo close! Whats your ETA though because those party guests are trickling in.
Morgan: no