When you try to prepare yourself in the morning for the day ahead, only to find that everyone else is taking up the bathroom (i.e. "gangbanging" it) and fucking up your schedule royally; this is especially an issue if the people you live with take excessively long showers (sorry, but anything over 15 minutes in the morning is way too much).
You are often left with three choices:
1) to forego showering and leave out the door possibly smelling of shit
2) to take the risk of being late by waiting out your inconsiderate roommates/family to get a half-assed shower and tooth-brushing in
3) to be sunk into a such a shitty mood to say "fuck it" and skip out on class/work that day
I wake up at 7am everyday to prepare for my 9am classes, but all too often I find that all my dickhead dormmates decide that they need thirty minutes apiece to shower, and won't even give me the courtesy to first take my shower that they know doesn't take as long as theirs. The morning gangbang is usually a good indicator of how the rest of my day goes.