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An amazing erection. A dick that drives the women crazy. The penises possessed by a family from Cincinnati Ohio.

The Adkins boys and there relatives pass out The Oak to the ladies.

by cptnate04 September 15, 2010

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

and that's on the oaks

Something based to say after making a true statement that you would defend to the death. In reference to the sacred oaks of Agartha.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children, and that's on the oaks!"

by OAKTRICK CASEY August 6, 2020


Oaked(n) is the act of losing in any particular competitive sport / doing bad at something.

"Ted's football team got oaked"

"Lewis is getting oaked"

"Anthony is gonna get oaked on fortnite tonight"

by Repixelated August 4, 2019


Person, male or female.
Common South African slang.

Person 1: What's that oak doing?
Person 2: Stupid idiot, the oak's just caught himself on fire.

by Miss Mac January 19, 2009

196πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


Oaked(n) The act of losing in a game or a competitive event.

E.g "Ha Lewis just got Oaked in football!"

"Ha Lewis just got Oaked in football!"

Or similarly - "you're getting oaked mate"

by Repixelated August 4, 2019


A boy you can trust, never leaves your side and always has your back! He will make you feel so special, comfort you, open to you and make you laugh! He can make you laugh instead of cry smile instead of frown and have faith when there seems like none! He’s somone you’ll never forget and if your lucky enough to have him hold on to him. He’s also a sexy beast!!

Person one: β€œ define a perfect man.”
Person two: β€œ An oak.”

by Classy Z April 21, 2018

26πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Oak is used as a slang word for 'Okay'. It is usually a word that you use to someone that you don't care about, or used even if 'okay' isn't the right word to respond with.

John "Hey man how you doing?"
You "oak".

by I look like a bookshelf October 28, 2019

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž