This theorem commemorates the idea that Owen is secretly British but hides it as he sees it as a weakness. The context within these arguments is the strong amount of evidence present that supports the idea that Owen Busko has British ancestors, creating the assumption that he is indeed British. Many pieces of evidence have supported this claim. One such example is Owen persistently driving his motor vehicle on the left side of the road in video games such as Fortnite and Grand Theft Auto V. Knowing this, one can tie the idea that he perceives driving on the left as a normal trait in his common society while present in his native country of England. When brought upon this issue, Owen becomes defensive, as he thoroughly claims his traits of driving on the left is not linked to him being British, and instead, just a misconception. When not paying attention, Owen sometimes slips up and exposes his genuine British accent. He uses common British language and slang in which could be easily distinguished if heard properly. Owen Busko's defense within these allegations are much the same. He says common phrases such as "I'm not Bri'ish!", or "Shut up!", to express his certain beliefs on this subject. These pieces of evidence are only some of the many which consist within Owen. Even though his belief is constant, the strong pieces of evidence and common sense makes it inevitable to disagree with the idea of Owen truly being British.
-SeaBandz Dafucisyoutalkinabout
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