Source Code

The Radio Flyer

The idiot who

(1) shops via any store's sale flyers and

(2) is always the one directly in front of you on any store's checkout line.

The Radio flyer never finds anything listed thereat, yet they don't ask for assistance.

They "complete" their shopping, eyeball the checkout girl and produce the sale flyer with a flourish, demanding any or all on said store's list.
The poor girl panics and calls for the store manager.

Only then is it confirmed that everything listed on this flyer was sold out. Years ago.
The Radio Flyer (so named because they have their own internal radio signals) exits, feeling triumphant.

You feel chagrined and embittered as everyone else who was shopping got out already and is/are en route to their homes.

Oh, the Curse of the Radio Flyer...

The Radio Flyer : But this was on the sale flyer !
Checkout Girl : Gasp ! Send for the manager !
Store Manager : Sir/Madam these articles have all ready been sold.
The Radio Flyer : (smirks and exits)
You : Why, oh why, did I shop here today ?

by hudson duster January 2, 2010

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