A vast and conflicting concept, The Riley Paradox was first observed forming from the mind of the person it is named after, Riley. The Riley Paradox is not an external object, however it is a transcended mindset when all mental fragments combine, where one would usually struggle with the grating of sadness across the soul, there is a concentrated core of all emotion, memories and logic into an ever flowing ball, meaning that any force will be dissipated but also experienced. To obtain the Riley Paradox, one must go through their darkest days, emerge victorious and experience prolonged exposure to multiple instances of Lewdity among other unexplainable internal events. There are multiple categories for the Riley Paradox, each named in "Versions" eg. V1, V2 and V3. Each version encompasses combined fragments, for example, the desire for Monster Girls.
The Riley Paradox is nothing easily explained, but this is a rough basic rundown on it.
Guy: Yo so you going alright man?
The Riley Paradox Obtainee: No, I have an insatiable desire for Monster Girls. V3 is hitting hard today.
Guy: Okay...