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the Satanic Panic

A moral Panic that was instigated heavily by Christian/Catholic Televangelists that Persecuted and falsely accused Satanists of crimes they didn't commit and fear mongered against Satanism and Satanists, especially Theistic Satanists!

Even though The Satanic Panic occurred in the 80s and 90s, some argue that this event and its effects never truelly ended as yet in history.

Even to this very day, Satanists and Satanism, are persecuted, misrepresented in public media such as TV and movies. Especially Theistic Satanism!

Real Satanists, regardless of weither they are Theistic or Athiestic, are not violent or harmful in anyway! Satanists DO NOT do sacrifices or harm humans or animals!

But no, Satanism is a nonviolent belief system with a very dark looking asthetic and beliefs that are very differing to Christianity and Catholicism!

But ask yourselves a question: who benefits from other people fearing and or Hating Satanists and Satanism?

Definitely not Satanists! Over the years, many Satanists have been persecuted and many temples or churchs related to Lucifarianism and or Satanism have been the casualties of violent protests (think People throwing chairs and Christian/ Catholic Statues through the window) and Arsons.

Satanists are often verbally abused, harassed, and threatened by Christian and Catholic Extremists if they make their beliefs known!

Rather, Christians and Catholics, Particularly the more Extremist benefit from this hatred and misplaced fear of Satanists.

Person 1: "why are so many Satanists that have seen on TV portrayed as violent? I met a Satanist once, and that person was a peiceful person and they did non of the stuff that's portrayed on television."

Person 2: "Thats mainely due to something that happened in the 80s and 90s called The Satanic Panic. This was when Satanists where falsely accused of crimes they didn't commit. Satanists are still persecuted even to this day because of this widespread moral panic,"

Person 1: "Oh. What started The Satanic Panic?"

Person 2: Christian and Catholic televangelists and extremists spreading widespread fear mongering and panic about Satanists, in an attempt to grow their own numbers."

Person 1:"That Sucks!"

by Starfire16 February 5, 2022

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Satanic panic

Hyper concern by adults that young people are in satanic cults.

The small county went into a satanic panic when red pentagrams were sprayed around churches and graveyards.

by I, Wreckerrr October 24, 2020

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satanic panic

When a group of conservative religious people, usually Christians, propagate rumors that something is satanic, demonic or evil. The propagators usually attack something for children, believing that children are gullible enough to accept every single thing as gospel truth. During satanic panics, major propaganda is spread, as the believers attempt to spread the message. In the majority or all these cases, the panic is irrational, but readers frequently accept these rumors as gospel truth.

Satanic panics started around the 1970s, when there was a rise in fundamentalism. They took full effect in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. Today, few remain in the outside world, but the community is still prevalent on the internet.

Satanic panic examples:


The Illuminati conspiracy was started by some person who claimed to be a Satanist, but was later proven a faker.


Alledged backmasking in popular music, notably rock.
Some players of Dungeons & Dragons took the game too far and died, leading many to believe D&D was inherently evil, and that the game involved calling real spirits to possess people.

The Smurfs was apparently burning down villages in Puerto Rico and teaching children witchcraft.


During the Pokemon craze, several Christian groups alledged that the game was about channeling evil spirits into children and that the type system (ex. fire, water) was teaching people into becoming neopagan witches.

Tinky Winky, the purple Teletubby, was apparently gay for being purple, carrying magic bags and wearing a tutu, and therefore alleged to make kids gay.


Harry Potter was apparently telling children that witchcraft is real and encouraging children to become sorcerers.

Yu-Gi-Oh was programming children to become Satanists and Freemasons.

by udusers1 November 29, 2011

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satanic panic

When the Satanists panic and start throwing everything against the wall in order to try to distract and cause chaos because somebody somewhere took away something sacred to them.

The dawn of 2020 kicked off the largest, most extended satanic panic of all time.

by Objective-Reason Daddy October 24, 2023

Satanic Panic

Satanic panic is a phenomenon where angry old Christian conservatives (also see noncervatives) start clutching their pearls about anything totally harmless bring "evil" or spewing complete nonsense about how the devil is trying to "brainwash" people. Recently started facing a very noticeable resurgence around the time the 2024 Paris Olympics started, where drag queens performed in the opening ceremony (which due to being filmed for a live audience, was totally family friendly).

Naturally, these pissed off old people with no life have taken to standing around all day in the streets throughout many states, holding up signs telling people to more or less convert to Christianity or Catholicism. These 'protests' aren't always peaceful though, as a few instances reported these same people with signs crying Satanic panic, have resorted to attempting to more or less kidnap unattended children or outright trying to grab them from their parents, hinting at these conservatives' more naturally predatory instincts.

If you encounter an instance of Satanic panic, hide your kids and hide your wives/husbands/partners, but most importantly, remember to yell the word Nonce as loud as you can. That way, their Satanic panic will be cured in no time. Worst case scenario, call the authorities, kidnapping is against the law.

If you or someone you know is showing signs or has a history of Satanic panic, seek help today.

Susan: I heard Benjamin ended up on the register last week

Helen: Benjamin?? What did he do?

Susan: The Satanic panic got to him, I heard they found 3 girls dressed in white and tied up in his basement!

Helen: This is getting out of control, I hope he's getting the help he clearly needs

by StopTheConsies August 2, 2024