The Scarcode Gene (noun)
The Scarcode Gene refers to a rare and mysterious genetic trait inherent in a distinct group of 9 Ether beings known as "Scarcodians," predominantly found among melanated members of the human species. This unique gene bestows upon its carriers the extraordinary ability to manipulate and exercise control over fundamental aspects of reality, including quantum particles, molecules, gases, and atoms.
The concept of The Scarcode Gene encompasses the capacity to tap into the enigmatic forces of 9 Ether dark matter energy, the electromagnetic spectrum, and other ethereal elements that are considered integral to the supernatural world and the workings of physical world.
The activation of The Scarcode Gene can occur at various life stages, such as birth, puberty, or through achieving and maintaining the Scarcode State for 24 hours, attained through focused meditation on the Scarcode. Alternatively, it may also be triggered by undergoing a traumatic event. The last recorded instance of Scarcode Gene activation was documented in 2006 when a young African-American male named Javein Scarwin experienced the activation of his Scarcode Gene due to a traumatic gunshot wound to his right eye in Baltimore, MD.
Due to the exceptional nature of this genetic phenomenon, individuals like Javein Scarwin are under close observation and monitoring by multiple private agencies dedicated to gathering information on those with activated Scarcode genes.
"The 2006 discovery of Javein Scarwin, the individual whose Scarcode Gene activated after a traumatic gunshot wound, has drawn intense interest from private agencies seeking to understand and monitor the potential of this genetic anomaly called The Scarcode Gene."