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The Ultimate PacoTaco

A piece of shit baking in the sun that will be momentarily run over by the huge 18 wheeler (Reading: COAST GUARD) heading towards it.


A Moron who needs to realize that whether it be Coast Guard, Navy, Army, Marines or Air Force... these Men and Women are all doing their part to protect and serve. They should all be praised and given the credit they deserve.

(BTW buddy, Coast Guard can't be too lame if they not only protect the Pres. but (for example) the Republicans at the RNC, the Democrats at the DNC and the members of the UN at the UN gathering.)

person # 1: "The Army is the best. If you join the Air Force its because your a pansy that doesn't want to get your hands dirty."

person # 2: "Get off it and Stop acting like The Ultimate PacoTaco."

by Annoynmous October 3, 2004

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