Source Code

The Viking

When 2 straight males lock arms sitting down and see who can Jack-Off first.

Halen and Josh were doing the Viking after work

by Swimgal69 February 6, 2018

The Viking

While enjoying intercourse with a female after ejaculation you punch her in the head until she's knocked out. Then burn her house to the ground.

That bitch was annoying so i showed her the viking.

by boobtet September 14, 2009

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

The Viking

When your lady is just wearing knickers and you (standing) flip her upside down, stick your head in the afore mentioned knickers and chow down. She can also go to town so its fun for everyone.

Spot the dog barked as Tom fliped Jane and did the Viking!

by MurderousYoric March 23, 2009

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

The Viking

When a guy, specifically named Peter, grabs locks of your hair from either side and starts shaking your head and giggling in the middle of a make out session.

Bro it was so fucking weird, Peter did the Viking to me. Never going back.

by sillygooseandaslut June 25, 2022


Vikings were Norse or Scandinavian raiders and seafarers. From the late 8th to early 12th centuries they raided wide areas of Europe and also established many governments, and trading networks. The Vikings were known for their ferocity and sailing ability. The word β€œViking” does not describe the Norse or Scandinavian people as a whole, but rather it describes the Norse or Scandinavian men who went sailing and raiding.

The vast majority of Viking raiders were male, and the main reason they originally started their raiding was because they wanted to acquire women from foreign lands for sex and marriage. Viking men would return from their raiding with large amounts of women that they had kidnapped. Polygyny was common, so rich and powerful Viking warriors had many wives and concubines.

Apart from Europe, the Vikings had activities in faraway regions such as North Africa, and the Middle East. There is also ample evidence that Vikings had colonized parts of North America. The Vikings have had an undeniable impact on the course of world history.

Vikings were known for their ferocity in battle. They would often defeat their enemies, and then steal their women.

by Ivar the Boneless August 3, 2019

190πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


An abbreviation for Vicodin; (a strong drug used for pain, it is in the codeine family)

Yo, he's spaced out...is he fucked up?

Yeah, man...he took some vikes.

by Anonymous August 3, 2003

98πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Slang for vicodin.

Yo, I just took four tabs of Vike I'm so fucked up now.

by R0AR March 12, 2006

97πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž