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The Village Idiot Fallacy

This type of fallacy is a mix of the "hasty generalization" fallacy and the "association fallacy."

Village Idiot Fallacy: This fallacy occurs when Person A highlights a foolish argument made by Person B and criticizes it. Person A then wrongly assumes that anyone remotely associated with Person B also holds the same foolish belief. This fallacy is often applied to entire groups, especially in online discourse. The term "Village Idiot Fallacy" comes from the idea of pointing to the village idiot and then assuming the entire village shares his beliefs, illustrating guilt by association.

Hasty Generalization: This fallacy occurs when someone makes a broad generalization based on a small or unrepresentative sample. (Person A is making a generalization about a group of people based on the beliefs or actions of one individual, the "village idiot.")

Association Fallacy (Guilt by Association): This occurs when someone asserts that qualities of one thing are inherently qualities of another, merely by an irrelevant association. (Person A is claiming that the whole group shares the same beliefs and qualities of the "village idiot" simply because they are associated with him.)

Combining these concepts this is how "The Village Idiot Fallacy" manifests itself.

The Village Idiot Fallacy Example:

Person A: "Person B didn't recycle their plastic bottle after lunch. Can you believe that?"

Person A (later): "People from that apartment complex are so irresponsible. They're all like Person B, not caring about the environment at all."

by ApplesPotatoGardner July 9, 2024

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