The White-Cat-Move is usually used, as an insult against people with a small brain capacity. Basically what that means is that, if a creature does something horribly stupid, is immediately identified as a "White Cat." This isn't just a synonym for "stupidity", it's far more something than just this. It is a brain-damage-like malfunction, with lack of common sense in the victims head, which can not be undone once it happened. This Move was originally made from a White Cat, so called "Amun." (2017-Today) The White-Cat-Move represents dominance across all over female Cats at the area this movement has accomplished.
Person 1: Hey, do you see that guy over there? What is he doing?
Person 2: He just robbed a grocery store and asks the cashier where the exit is.
Person 1: Bro, that's literally The White-Cat-Move