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The Feeling

"The Feeling" refers to a type of second-hand embarassment one gets in awkward situations. You may have to look away, walk away or ignore to get rid of the uncomfortable tension in your stomach.

Nerds making out and canoodling in public may give you "the feeling."

If someone tells a story with too many graphic details in front of your boss or parent, you may get "the feeling".

If someone tells a corny joke or anecdote, you may get "the feeling". Same goes for over romantic, nostaglic, or schmaltzy sentiments.

If someone falls, farts, or makes a fool of themself and you are directly next to them, you may get "the feeling."

by MKDeps October 15, 2010

34πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

The Feeling

1. The feeling of affection that starts at your heart then surges through your whole body and then hits your stomach as if your stomach is filled with butterflies.
3. One of the greatest things a person feels
2. A strong, glimps feeling of love

"Steven gets The Feeling everytime he sees, feels, or thinks of Jacqui"

by Steven March 21, 2004

42πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

The Feeling

The feeling is acquired when you try to tell a joke, which you find very hilarious, but then nobody laughs and you're left to feel like a complete jackass.

Boy 1: -tells a joke- Wasn't that so funny?!
Boy 2: -stares at boy 1- no.
Boy 1: Uhhh.. damn it! I just got the feeling.

by MirokusTwinSister January 6, 2009

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

The Feeling

British pop band and the best band ever to walk this earth.

consists of;

Dan Gillespie Sells - lead vocal and guitar

Richard Jones - bass and backing vocals

Kevin Jeremiah - guitar and backing vocals

Ciaran Jeremiah - keyboards and backing vocals

Paul Stewart - drums

I went to see The Feeling last night... they are REALLY GOOD LIVE!!

by Tishyfish April 17, 2011

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Feel That Feel

To understand what one means; empathy, or similar experience to.

Ben: This morning I was so hungover that I couldn't move without wanting to die.

Joe: I feel that feel.

by Horsethief March 27, 2013

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A terrible disease that has plagued mankind since the beginning of time.

Characterized By: inability to think straight, throbbing heart, acting idiotic, nausea, anxitey, and butterflies Etc.

May Result In: changing image/lifestyle, heartbreak, mistakes, relationships, Life altering decisions Etc.

Girl: I think I've got an awful case Feelings
Doctor: I'll prescribe chocolates and chick-flicks daily until your feelings are gone.

by JeanneMarie May 6, 2013

537πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


a confusing compilation of ups and downs constructed in a mindset of constantly needing attention from someone. craving their presence and awareness. having a piece of them always stuck in your mind everywhere; wanting to look into their eyes, or hold their hand, even just see their smile. often ending in heartbreak, depression, tears, and rarely, happiness. this has been going on for as long as humans have lived. when applied to the right people this affection for someone can beautiful. it is quite scarce but if you happen to find someone fitting... hold on

friend 1 β€œhe’s so hot”
friend 2 β€œi think ur catching feelings”
friend 1 β€œoh no.”
friend 2 β€œyour fucked”

by in shit February 21, 2019

53πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž