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The kids in my basement

When there are children in your basement.

"No officer, Those aren't The kids in my basement, its cats."

by UiduuUB January 27, 2021

42👍 3👎

kids in my basement

kids that are trapped in the cellar. so they could get some juicy popsicles

pepe: You fucking pedophile! How many kids do you have in your basement?! Huh, HUH?!

herbert: i have 46 kids in my basement

by Im gonna coooom.com March 21, 2021

106👍 9👎

kids in my basement

The kids in my basement.

Person 1 : Yo bro where are my kids
Person 2: Oh yeah they are the kids in my basement

by litterallynothing April 9, 2023

6👍 1👎

kids in my basement

something really unfunny mothafuckas say

Joshua : hey whats going on havent seen u in a BITCH
Jose : the kids in my basement lmao
joshua : really nigga

by Gabbobler did nothing wrong August 23, 2021

13👍 26👎