Theory coined by Social Psychologist Kate Cunty theorizing that humans are giving cunt exponentially more due to social matters. She stated that people are more inclined to serve cunt when social pressures are higher, also discussing the matter of the Cuntization Prioritization (how the social situation determines how much someone prioritizes serving cunt). Researchers that had later done studies on the Theory of Cuntization claimed that although Kate Cunty's theory was correct regarding Cuntization Prioritization, they found that people serve cunt statistically more due to internal factors rather that external (social) factors.
"Oh my god, I just got a call from Lucas and he said that instead of taking me to the movie theater, we are going to a museum for our date. Now I have to serve cunt!"
"No way... thank god you can prioritize serving cunt in time. Maybe Kate Cunty was right about her Theory of Cuntization!"