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These Edibles Ain’t Shit

These Edibles Ain’t Shit is a slang term used to describe somebody ‘greening out’ on the Mary Jane, Edibles can be in many shapes and sizes. Usually These Edibles ain’t shit happens when you’re impatient and eat more edibles than you should’ve. This causes you to proclaim out to your friends. “Damn, These edibles ain’t shit

You will then become a shadow of yourself and discover new worlds

You then skip to you 4 bags of Cheetos deep while watching Dr Phil

Austin: Bro I got some edibles, do you want some?
You: yeah sure

*30 minutes later*

You: I’ll eat some more

*1 hour later*

You: Still feeling nothing Austin, These Edibles Ain’t shit

*Transcends across space and time*

by rubenski6 July 1, 2023