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Thiago c

A person who is always, ALWAYS right, even more then Erica S. If he says something it is true, you can try to argue, but is just going to show you your stupidity. He probably is the god of knowledge disguised as a human

Woman: "Hey thiago c im 100% a woman"
Thiago c: " no youre not, you are a man"
Man: "Oh sorry I never noticed my penis before"

Thiago C: "Far from home is the best spiderman movie"
Erica S: "yes of course i would be a complete moron to think otherwise"

Thiago C: "ummmm yes try thinking of the apple falling as a force, you could call it gravitational force"
Isaac Newton: " Of course Thiago C, you are truly a being that knows all"

by Twcc November 23, 2021

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