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A feminist bimbo who still believes some how western skanks are still "oppressed", when white women are the most privileged group in the western world.

This is because white boomer hags are in charge of our Universities , and pass on their hatred to Generation Y bimbos.

Bimbo's who complain about the non existent wage gap,slut walkers ,people who enact laws to protect white campus sluts instead of minority women are all third-wave feminists.

They tend to call foreign/minority women sluts because of genetic female jealousy.

by Burn Mar-a-Lago September 4, 2011

304👍 428👎


the third generation of feminism, which generally refers to anywhere from 1990-present, whereby young women no longer view men as the devil. They simply hope to gain the same sexual, intellectual and emotional rights that men already enjoy. Third wave feminists believe that while women have come a long way in society, there is still more to be done. Concerns of third-wave feminists may include sexual harassment, domestic violence, the wage gap, sexual inequalities, eating disorders, ect.

"You're just a man-bashing, cross dressing feminist!"
"Nah, it's cool. I'm third-wave."

by Chelsea C January 29, 2007

82👍 220👎

third wave feminism

Impressions from the field (not academic research):

- First wave of feminism = women (generally white, straight, well-educated, and well off) fighting for their rights
- Second wave of feminism = women (often white, well-educated, and well off but also a more diverse range of women of color and sexual orientations) fighting for the rights of women of many colors, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, and cultural backgrounds
- Third wave of feminism = more diverse women fighting for the rights of all women including a focus on queer women as well as sex workers
- Third wave of feminism may also = women who believe there is no need for feminism and who do not embrace the term "feminist" but who expect to be treated equally
- Fourth wave of feminism includes intersectionality and the issues of trans women (?)

Her entire blog is dedicated to equal rights for everyone and she's proud of her third wave feminism.

by pipermills April 5, 2016

85👍 251👎

third-wave feminist

Someone who supports the systematic mass murder of all human beings who identify as cisgender males, and, in some cases, even transgender females. Most third-wave feminists would support legislation for the mandatory extermination of male fetuses and male babies, instead of targeting adult males, because they are much less able to defend themselves when their home is being ransacked and their mother and father are being killed.

Jenny McDermott: We need to kill all men. We need to kill male babies, because we want the population to go on but with only women in it.
(An army of third-wave feminists rushes to support her, and the Feminist Revolution begins, which culminates in the US becoming a dictatorship ruled by Supreme Leader McDermott.)
Sane person: Family members, we must not step outside the fall-out shelter and we must stay quiet or else they'll hear and find us, okay? The shelter we have built is hidden enough and has strong enough fortification, that we should be safe from -
Secret Femolice: (banging on the door) We have been informed that you may be harboring males. Please let us in so we can confirm.
Sane person: O shit! They've found us. I'm so sorry, kids. (With tears in his eyes) Daddy will always love you.
Children: We love you too, Dad.
Secret Femolice: Heil McDermott!!! (breaks the door down, forcibly drags the father and his children into the gas van to be executed).

by standing up for what's right February 9, 2023

5👍 6👎

Third Wave Rage

The raw anger that transfers to everything in the universe from a person tired, annoyed and impatient as their country suffers a third wave of Covid-19.

"Why did Tom freak out at the gym today, just because that dude got to the squat rack before him?"
"Ignore Tom...he just has third wave rage".

by WillyCravemore July 23, 2021