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Tiffani is a rare variation of Tiffany. Tiffani's share a few qualities with Tiffany's but in general they're better and harder to find. They are loyal, sweet, compassionate, intelligent, and creative. They have many acquaintances but very few best friends. You can find them always having a good time and searching for the best entertainment. They're open-minded and easy to talk to. They always have multiple guys on their mind and flirt around a lot, but always save their heart for that one special person and are always open to commitment. Tiffani's are absolutely adorable and they're silliness is contagious.

Tiffani is the most unique and down to earth girl in the universe.

by cutieeee323 February 25, 2009

1148๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Thick Girl that will rock your world like no other bitch. She is quite outspoken and don't take no one's shit. She has no mercy, does not pity, but is selfless and overall an amazing person.

"Tiffani is out of control!"

by grneyedgrl2386 October 23, 2008

458๐Ÿ‘ 205๐Ÿ‘Ž



You are going to hell if you mess with a Tiffani.

by Hisbae23 January 2, 2022


The most amazing person you will ever meet. She has the most contagious smile ever. Tiffani, is a person who has blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She is normally very tall and has long sleek legs. She is the person who you want to be friends with, you better hope that she likes you. She is very selective about who she hangs out with. She loves to be in large groups, but only if she's in the center of attention.

"god help me, for Tiffani actually talked to me today"
"did you ever see such a hot girl, her name is Tiffani"

by Tiffwashere_andlovingit June 12, 2009

227๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most amazing person you will ever meet. She has the most contagious smile ever. Tiffani, is a person who has blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She is normally very tall and has long sleek legs. She is the person who you want to be friends with, you better hope that she likes you. She is very selective about who she hangs out with. She loves to be in large groups, but only if she's in the center of attention.

"god help me, for Tiffani actually talked to me today"
"did you ever see such a hot girl, her name is Tiffani"

by Tiffwashere_andlovingit June 12, 2009

171๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž


She's a very dirty girl.....

My ol lady is a very amazing Tiffani

by Rp27 February 16, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A heifer who still parts her hair to the other side of her head. Terrible with eyeliner applications. Terrible with boundaries. She will fuck your bestie while you're over seas fighting for your country.

Tiffani is a massive heifer.

by Soulja's boy June 18, 2022

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž