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Time for you to get a watch

Asshole thing to say to someone when they ask for the time

Person 1: Hey bro, what time is it?
Person 2: Time for you to get a watch!
Person 1: Fuck off

by Guron April 17, 2017

30πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Time for you to get a watch

One of the greatest comebacks of all time if used right. Answer most questions with this and you will bamboozle the asker.

Jarek: Hey how cold is it outside?
Ryan: Time for you to get a watch
Jarek: *dies

by Why Don’t I Have a GF ig March 9, 2018

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Time for you to get a watch!

A joke commonly used on friends who do not own or are wearing a watch. Does not make sense to say it when someone does have a watch.

Friend: What time is it?
You: Time for you to get a watch!

by ChampionG December 21, 2016

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