Rolling into a new area and going on a Tinder binge to meet the locals.
To start off the trip to Altanta right, Kaz went Tinder bombing. No women went without being aware of his presence.
5091👍 6046👎
Rolling into a new area and going on a tinder binge to meet all the locals.
To start off the trip right, Kaz Tinder Bombed the the area and no women went without being aware of his presence.
2👍 6👎
The act of convincing men on any dating app to send a picture of their penis to someone else's phone as a practical joke. This is best done when MANY dick pics are sent to the same unsuspecting recipient in a short period of time.
Brad: Why did I just get dick pics from twenty different phone numbers in the past hour? ITS A CONSPIRACY.
Me: Nah dude! I think someone just Tinder Dick Bombed you. It was probably your Ex getting revenge.
22👍 1👎