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An extremely rare kind of motherfucker. Tirthankars are smart humans(though they don't actually prefer being called such lowlifes) who are generally above the rest when it comes to basically everything. People may think he is cool, and it generally turns out that he actually is. His captaincy is way above and beyond others, while his leadership is, au contraire, of a mediocre standard. They are known to be extremely witty with words, and well informed about maybe everything except anything even remotely related to politics. Yes, they hate politics.

They always have an urge to roast others and always joke around, they don't even care if their jokes are lame/cringy/offensive, and in this process they sometimes end up being insensitive little shits.

Also, the kinda of perverted thoughts they sometimes get is just out of this world.

Feline in nature, they can sometimes get too soft, which often surprises others.

"Look I'll admit he's smart af, but his perverted ideas of women- dang he can be such a Tirthankar."

by Pylovshytt March 28, 2022


A person who is omnivert he has his own world of fantasy and he also trys to make it real these people loss their concentration often, but they have a big goal to achieve they are good thinker but often overthink at some topics, the have a great vision...

These people have good friends and everyone likes their company..

Success is possible but it will teach them many lessons.

They often cannot express their feelings

They are well mannered and they make the environment cheerful and joyful😄😄

Tirthankar is a good friend in need

by Kalakar guy November 25, 2021


Guy can be a great personality, especially knowledgeable and highly intelligent. Staying with someone named Tirthankar will never make you feel bored cause they love to talk.
The downside is they can't keep secrets for too long and they are really open to others
Overall, Tirthankar will be a great guy

Tirthankar spilled the beans

by Appreciative person November 25, 2021

2👍 2👎

tirthankar Dasgupta

A awesome guy and many girls like him very much. He respects women very much. Some friends of him mainly Sohan is little Jealous of him as many girls like Tirthankar. He is the real live Tony Stark or Iron Man. His friends mist respect him .

Tirthankar Dasgupta is a real life Tony Stark.

by Bhalo chele November 23, 2021


Tirthankara, (Sanskrit: “Ford-maker”) also called Jina (“Victor”), in Jainism, a saviour who has succeeded in crossing over life's stream of rebirths and has made a path for others to follow.

Tirthankar is a very good teacher

by Jhon henry November 24, 2021


Tirthankara, (Sanskrit: “Ford-maker”) also called Jina (“Victor”), in Jainism, a saviour who has succeeded in crossing over life's stream of rebirths and has made a path for others to follow.

Tirthankar is a a good teacher

by Jhon henry November 24, 2021


Is a very cool, calm and collected person. He has a secret fun side which only his friends can see. He is creative , fun, and often witty.

There's no tirthankar like that tirthankar

by Magnetic brain November 24, 2021