A person so far up their own ass they could only be from Toronto. Includes self-described “Renaissance Men”, wordsmiths, and Liberal brown nosers of the highest order.
A person who only parrots Liberal Party of Canada talking points, becoming aggressive and resorting to name calling when their views are challenged.
That account only posts pro-Trudeau content - must be a Toronto Person.
That Toronto Person has shit on his nose!
Toronto People claim to be liberal, but really they just hate anyone who doesn’t agree with their narrow world view.
A person so far up their own ass they could only be from Toronto. Includes self-described “Renaissance Men”, wordsmiths, and Liberal brown nosers of the highest order.
A person who only parrots Liberal Party of Canada talking points, becoming aggressive and resorting to name calling when their views are challenged.
That account only posts pro-Trudeau content - must be a Toronto Person.
That Toronto Person has shit on his nose!
Toronto People claim to be liberal, but really they just hate anyone who doesn’t agree with their narrow world view.
A person so far up their own ass they could only be from Toronto. Includes self-described “Renaissance Men”, wordsmiths, and Liberal brown nosers of the highest order.
A person who only parrots Liberal Party of Canada talking points, becoming aggressive and resorting to name calling when their views are challenged.
That account only posts pro-Trudeau content - must be a Toronto Person.
That Toronto Person has shit on his nose!
Toronto People claim to be liberal, but really they just hate anyone who doesn’t agree with their narrow world view.