Tos Language is a language that is believed to be used by ancient people
The way to use this language is to add "tos" word at the end of the word
Written by Watashihadare??#0406
Di Suatu Hari yang nggak cerah cerah amat dan nggak mendung mendung amat
Dua manusia purba sedang bercakap-cakap
A : Woytos, Lihatos nihtos lukisantos gwtos, bagustos kantos???
B : Biasatos ajatos
A : Manatos Adatos, Initos Lukisantos Gwtos Beritos Namatos Tampantos dantoa pemberanitos
B : Bjirtos, Pastitos Plagiatos daritos filmtos sebelahtos kantos??
A : Ahtos, Manatos Adatos, Initos Karyatos Originaltos Gwtos
B : Serahtos lutos dahtos
And that's an example of the use of Tos Language