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A Dag.

A Small Clinging Turd.

A Small Clinging Turd hanging on the edge of the toilet seat that is Southampton.

A piece of semi-dried execrement that clings un-noticed apart from that faint shitty arse-crack smell you can't explain.

An arse that hasn't been wiped properly.

Hampshire Dorp where all the tarts give free blow-jobs for a glass of Bacardi.

Totton Trash in Totton Bar sez : 'Thez no bog-roll in shitter, so I'ze a bit 'Totton m8', fancy a blow Mush?'

Scummer sez: OoArh winds in west, stink o' Shit,... muzz be Totton.... better check me arzes.....'

Will Shakespeare sez,
' They is no thing quite as rotten,

As thiy stinking stench of Totten! Bluerk


by jdm8080 November 14, 2009

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