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Town Square

A channel on battle.net where n00bs and idiots attempt to entertain eachother with mindless ranting that they attempt to call Role Playing

n00b1: I r going to killz0r j00
n00b2: nu I r having mah laz0r beamz killzor j00 fst
Guy with brain: some one please just kill me now

by RecoN-DocTomoe November 6, 2003

24👍 21👎

Town square

To publicly announce someone's personal business to a large forum.

Jane: "Did you see what my mom posted about me on my Facebook wall? How embarrassing! That was supposed to be kept on the down low!"

John: "Sure did! She really went town square on you!"

by Sunology April 9, 2010

7👍 4👎

Shitting in the town square

Doing something in public that should be done in a private environment

Person 1 * making out with his girl*
Person 2 "bruh stop shitting in the town square"

by Urrrrmommmmm January 31, 2021

Jackson Hole Town Square

If you lookup "Jackson Hole Town Square" on youtube you will find a random ass livestream of some random ass intersection in wyoming. At the moment of posting this, it has about 1,700 people watching it. Nobody knows why. Some people believe it was created by the Illuminati.

I have no fucking clue why I'm watching this shitty livestream of "Jackson Hole Town Square".

by WRFEGrewdwerg September 7, 2016

Shitting in the town square

Doing something in public that should be done in a private environment
e.i. public displays of affection

Person 1: *making out with his girl*
Person 2: "Bruh, stop shitting in the town square"

by Urrrrmommmmm January 31, 2021