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toxic player

Some one in a game that is a horrible teammate and player but thinks they are a fucking genius and not the reason the team is losing.

Toxic player:"Its not my fault your all trash and i did all the work"

Good player:"Nigga you literally had 2 kills and 3848488 deaths so shut the fuck up"

by KidGucci939 March 8, 2017

132πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Toxic Player

A player that roasts everybody even tho they are the worst player there a lot of Toxic player have W somewhere in there name like Willis or Willie.

Wow your the worst player here but yet you say were bad your such a toxic player Willis

by OG-Sniper-Kid January 4, 2019

12πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Toxic Player

A person in a video game who will lose in a fight to you and then say β€œL” even when they lose, as if you are the one who lost..? Then, they will likely ask to 1v1 you again. If they win this time, they will promptly say β€œL” and β€œyou’re free kid.”

Player 1: β€œL”

Player 2: β€œBruh, I’m so tired of toxic players in this game”

Player 1: β€œLol stay mad kid, you’re free kills LLLL”

Player 3: β€œBazinga”

by Blah blah fuckwad August 27, 2021

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž